
contentrules.slack is a package providing a Plone content rules action to post a message on Slack.

Code Health#

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PyPI - Plone Versions

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Add contentrules.slack to the Plone installation using pip:

pip install contentrules.slack

or add it as a dependency on your package's setup.py

    install_requires = [

Start Plone and activate the plugin in the addons control-panel.


This product has been translated into:

  • English (Érico Andrei)

  • Português do Brasil (Rudá Porto)

  • Deutsch (Yael Biran)

  • Español (Álvaro Hurtado Mochón)


The project is licensed under the GPLv2.

One Last Thing#

Originally Made in Berlin, with love, by your friends @ Briefy and Pendect.

Now maintained by the Plone Collective